Meteorological Data and National Elevation Dataset (NED) for AERMOD

Click on the map to select the county and choose data download option.

The meteorological (AERMET) and digital terrain (National Elevation Dataset, or NED) data provided by SC BAQ is solely intended to be used for regulatory AERMOD modeling analyses for sources located in South Carolina. Please be mindful that the AERMET data sets are subject to change based on pending comments and guidance from EPA and/or periodic updates by SC BAQ. The terrain processor for AERMOD (AERMAP) requires as input either NED or DEM (Digital Elevation Model) files, but the NED files are preferred. SC BAQ has acquired these NED files in GeoTIFF format directly from the USGS internet site (, and holds no responsibility for the maintenance and use of these files above and beyond the scope of dispersion modeling.

Please contact the BAQ modeling section manager at (803) 898-4074 should you have any questions about the use of these data sets.